We specialise in First Aid Training and First Aid Products for the maritime, hospitality and related industries.
100% satisfaction guaranteed.
We will deliver the highest level of training and products to our customers and associates. We will keep up to date with the latest available equipment and technology, and share the information and knowledge to improve the enjoyment and safety in the maritime and related industries. We will do our best to make it fun and interesting. We will tailor our teaching style and methods to cater for persons of all abilities and learning styles.
We conduct courses at your workplace or you can come to ours.

Updating your skills and train your employees, or gain invaluable knowledge that could potentially save someone’s life? Mainstay Training offers a range of First Aid Training Courses that help you to be fully prepared in the event of an emergency. We provide courses specifically designed for the maritime industry.
Our classroom is at:
240 Shute Harbour Road
Cannonvale 4802